Just Getting Started?  DO THIS FIRST!

#1 - WHY?   Why are you doing this business?  To pay for healthcare?  Sending kids to college?  Want to bring your wife home from her tiring job?  Don't want to send your sweet babies to daycare?  We all have reasons, and if they are strong enough, NOTHING and NO ONE can stop you from succeeding in this business.  With over 30 streams of income and products that EVERYONE is already using EVERY DAY, the only thing that can stop you from being successful in MPB Today, is YOU.

Sit down (with your spouse or family if applicable) and MAKE A LIST.  WRITE down a minimum of 20 reasons that you are doing this business.  Then, go through and pick the three (3) most important reasons.  Write those down on a separate sheet of paper (make 3) and place them (1) in your wallet, (2) on your mirror, and (3) in the visor of your car. 

This may sound very silly to you right now, but once you do this, you will understand that when you SEE your reasons on paper, they become very real to you, and when your reasons are important enough to you, you will RUN with this amazing opportunity. 

For more information on WHY you should make a list, or if you would like to print a ready-made "20 Reasons" sheet, go here: danddteamtraining.com/?page_id=1353

"Until you know WHY, the HOW doesn't matter."

#2 - OPT IN!  If you have not done so already, log in to your back office, scroll to the bottom right of the page, and OPT IN for company emails.  If you don't do this, they won't email you, and you will miss out on very important information about company updates, conference calls, webinars, promotions, etc.   You may also opt in for our TEAM email updates by clicking on the link in red at the top of this page.

#3 - START LEARNING  MPB Today has, we believe, the BEST National Trainer in the industry.  Dale Calvert has been in the network marketing industry for more than 25 years and has made millions in the industry.  He was retired from team building for 10 years before being introduced to MPB Today.  Dale knew immediately that this was the greatest networking business opportunity of our times, so he joined and built his business to the Diamond level within three months - before the company's leaders even knew he was an affiliate!  Our company's leaders teamed up with Dale to offer a top notch training system that is not only educational, but FUN!  Dale provides MPB affiliates with a proven system that is SIMPLE and just makes sense.  No hype.  No games.  Just a simple step-by-step program that ANYONE will appreciate.


Clients around the world have paid Dale as much as $500 per hour for one-on-one consultations.  His training is available to us as MPB Today affiliates for a FRACTION of the investment.  For only $29 per month (+ $5 shipping), we are entered into the "Gateway" (yet another income stream) and receive access to MPB's Leadership Development program, which currently contains Dale's montly audio training program.  (You can read more on the Gateway, how to earn money by participating, AND see a video by our CEO Gary Calhoun by going to you MPB home page, clicking on "Compensation", and scrolling down to Gateway.) 


We can personally tell you that if it were not for Dale's audio training CD's, we would NOT be where we are today, and you would not be looking at this website.    


Although enrolling in the Gateway is OPTIONAL, we strongly recommend enrolling as soon as possible.  We all joined MPB to make money, and there is no quicker way to make money in this company than by plugging in to the training and learning HOW it's done.  Don't waste time learning the hard way.  Once you receive your first audio training CD, you, like we did, will quickly realize that $29/mo is a STEAL.  I can only wish that this training was available to us when we first got started with MPB Today.

WE ALSO RECOMMEND viewing Dale's "Quick Start Training Series", a series off 11 short videos that will help you get your business off to a strong start.  You can find these videos at https://danddteamtraining.com/?page_id=2261.

#4 - GET PLUGGED IN  MPB and it's leaders offer a tremendous amount of free training and support; there is something available to you just about every day of the week.  This is great because it's hard to participate in EVERYTHING, and it gives flexibility to your prospects when you are getting them to join in too.  Joining the conference calls are as simple as dialing in and listening.  We are often cleaning up from dinner, folding laundry, driving home, or something else productive while we listen in to the calls.  You will hear great testimonials and learn great ideas from other affiliates who are working the business. 

Click on our "Websites and Numbers" page to get specific information on calls, webinars, pages, seminars, conferences, etc.


"This business is fun and simple when you are SOLD YOURSELF!  Obviously the business makes perfect, logical sense.  $210, one time investment, no autoship to have the opportunity to never pay for gas and groceries again.

However, logic doesn’t move people.  You have to become passionate about what this business can do, not just for you but for other people!

Passion will come, when you get plugged into the MPB World and get on the calls!  Work towards passion - you have to get this business from your head to your heart!"

#5 - WHO DO YOU KNOW?  Now that you have written down your 20/top 3 reasons for doing this business , gotten your company emails and training started, and plugged in to some calls and webinars, it's time to start getting the word out to your friends, family & local area (aka "warm market") about this unmatched opportunity!  Make a list of at least 20 people that you personally know that might be interested in making more money, getting free groceries, working from home, etc.  Remember - if they EAT, they will probably be interested in looking at this opportunity. 

START WORKING ON YOUR LIST.  Give them a call, send them an email - whatever you think they are more likely to respond to - just don't wait!  Here are some tips (which will also learn during your training with Dale).

  • DON'T TALK TOO MUCH!  All you are doing is telling them that you have just come across the BEST opportunity you have EVER seen, and that it's something they really need to look at. 
  • LET THE VIDEO DO THE TALKING!  You really don't need to say much more than "name brand groceries are the product - money you are already spending" and "NO autoship!".  When they ask you how it works, you tell them that this business is 99% visual, and direct them to your website to watch the video.
  • FOLLOW UP!   If they tell you they will watch the video tonight, you need to let them know a date & time you will call them back to follow up, and stick to it!  If they have not watched the video yet, do it AGAIN.  It is important to follow up when you say you will.
  • BE EXCITED... BE VERY EXCITED!  People will join your business because of your great attitude and your excitement.  If they see that you are a part of something that can change your life, they want in on it too.  It will take some time for them to see the massive potential of the company.  People join PEOPLE in network marketing because they want to be a part of a TEAM that knows where they are going. 
  • USE 3-WAY CALLING!  When you are talking to an interested prospect, (whether you know it or not) they want to hear it from someone other than you.  It does not have to be the top income earner in the company, but it does need to be someone on your TEAM who is excited about MPB and can answer some questions for them.  This would normally be your closest active upline.  It's a great idea to have a "3-way calling buddy".  If you are with you prospect, just put them on your phone with your calling buddy - it's so simple and it WORKS!


You can find helpful forms by logging in to your back office and scrolling down to "Winners Material".

#6 - Sharing this business is as easy as 1..2..3!   In your back office, you will find a "Game Plan to Momentum" pdf (read/print) as well as a webinar by Dale Calvert (company trainer) explaining the very basic steps to this simple, duplicatable system.  Momentum is vital to your success in this business, and the easiest time for you to gain momentum is in your first 30 days. 


"Momentum is like a freight train on a down hill run - it can't be stopped." -Ted T., MPB Diamond 


Obviously there will not be any time in your career when you know less about what you are doing than within the first 30 days, but you don't want to get caught in the trap of thinking you have to know everything about everything before you get started, or trust me - you'll never start.  Read the Game Plan, watch the webinar, and start getting folks registered to win a free vacation!  It sounds simple because it IS simple!