Welcome to TEAM 3D - Destination Double Diamond!

Welcome to our TEAM site!  TEAM 3D is made up of hundreds of like-minded MPB Today affiliates whose goal is to rewrite network marketing history with the most ingenious MLM company alive today - a company whose product is already being purchased by millions of people (all of them) in the United States every day - NAME BRAND GROCERIES.  Add that to first class training from renowned industry trainer Dale Calvert, and my friends, you have the recipe for success.  Of course, like any other opportunity, it has to be YOUR desire to put one determined foot in front of the other, you just have to make a decision to WIN.


A special note to our TEAM:  Thank you for your continued support.  We are one of the TOP TEAMS in MPB Today because of your efforts and support.  We have said for nearly two years and will continue to say that if you stay plugged in and work this business with us, you WILL be tremendously rewarded.  MPB Today is THE #1 Business Opportunity of our times.  You simply cannot compete with a company that pays residual income on products that people are already buying and cannot live without.



8c/9pm est - Business Overview call w/ testimonies (invite your prospects!)

(712) 432-8773,  access code 8812 8812#

Immediately following the call, there is usually a Q&A.  Follow company emails for weekly call info.

Find more details on these by clicking on "Websites & Numbers" on the left side of this page.


Are you WAITING?

05/02/2012 14:56
If you are waiting for an i-Hub to open in your area before you get to work, you are completely missing the boat.  The reason a hub opens...

Rank advancement?

03/22/2012 22:48
If you or someone on your team has a rank advancement, please let us know by using the "Feedback" tab so that we can post and let everyone share in...

CONGRATS to all!

03/22/2012 22:43
Congrats to everyone who cycled in the $1,200 Super Cycler in the first 2 days!  Also to Sue Pearson for being the very first MPB affiliate to...

CONGRATS to Dr. Michele Lay for being the first co-op founder to qualify with $1600!!!

02/16/2012 13:56
Dr. Michele Lay was presented a check for over $1,100 last week for being the very first co-op founder to qualify for a share in ALL IHUB co-ops by...

CONGRATS to Lake City, FL on opening their very 1st IHUB Co-op!

02/16/2012 13:45
Lake City, FL is open for business!  We are located at 484 SW Commerce Dr, #130 in Lake City, just off I-75 on Hwy 90 west behind Cracker...

Training CD vs Groceries... or BOTH???

01/26/2012 12:22
    Traning CD vs. Groceries?  Or BOTH??   It is very important to your income that you follow me in this train of...

Answers to FAQ's since the enhancements.....

01/25/2012 22:27
1.      If I’m a Silver and I place an order for $100, do I have to continue to pay the $29 for the CD to qualify for the...

WHAT?!?!? Flat Rate Shipping!!!! YESSSS!!!

01/24/2012 17:15
THIS JUST IN... From the company.... "Our new flat-rate shipping went into effect yesterday.  The new rate is a flat 10% with a $6.00...


01/23/2012 23:47
Hello Team 3D! This is one of the most important emails you will ever receive from us!!! PLEASE READ, and RE-READ if necessary! Otherwise, you...

1-16-12 gathering in Lake City a great SUCCESS!!!

01/18/2012 12:29
Good morning, TEAM 3D!!!  (Please make sure this message is relayed to your downline!) THANK YOU to everyone who packed out our gathering...
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If you have pics of our TEAM in action, please email

them to aftonmpb@gmail.com (pick the best few)

and we will get them on the site.

Work has never been so FUN! (Click on a pic to view entire album.)

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